Resolve the Gosh Darn It NYT Crossword Clue and Answer

By Vedwik
nyt Gosh Darn
Sep 30, 2024 Reading time : 3 min

This page provides the answer to the “Gosh Darn It NYT Crossword Clue” which was last published on July 3, 2024. The New York Times mini crossword is well known for its tricky and dual-meaning clues. It’s a great pass time for several puzzle enthusiasts and beneficial for improving vocabulary.

If you found “Gosh Darn It NYT Crossword Clue” perplexed, don’t worry! We have the best possible answer and tips to resolve this NYT clue. Let’s dive into the world of puzzles to tackle this obscure clue.

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Understand the Clue: Gosh Darn It NYT Crossword

Interestingly, NYT puzzles challenge puzzle enthusiasts to solve clever clues. One of the intriguing clues is the “Gosh Darn It NYT Crossword” which leaves people scratching their heads.    

Moreover, “Gosh Darn It NYT” is a euphemism that is used to express surprise, anger, or annoyance. It is usually used in place of “God damn it to hell”. The clue indicates the strong language of a chuckle, and players might look for related words and synonyms to solve this cunning puzzle.

It is quite complicated and senses duality meaning, yet enjoyable. This NYT clue highlights the significance of euphemisms that are used as expressions.        

The Final Answer: AWMAN

The answer to the “Gosh Darn It NYT Crossword Clue” is AWMAN.

New York Times Mini Crosswords are one of the best pastimes to increase knowledge about health, popular hits, entertainment, and literature with fun. 

The word “aw man” is used in place of “oh man” to express disappointment or displeasure about something that happened. Therefore, it is rewarding to solve this NYT mini crossword clue that provokes laughter and enjoyment. Players should remember that regularly playing crosswords can add spark to your journey.      

Gosh Darn It NYT Crossword Clue and Answers


Event with barrel racing and bull ridingRODEO
“Gosh darn it!”AWMAN
Rocker who plays himself, as a murder suspect, on Only Murders in the BuildingSTING
Have the ___ for (be attracted to)HOTS


Totally awful, in slangTRASH
Words on many self-help booksHOWTO
Gradually introduces to solid foodWEANS
Best Original ___ (Oscars category)SONG


It is notable that “Gosh Darn It NYT Crossword Clue” is formidable and forces puzzlers to dig into various sources to find suitable answer. While solving NYT mini crossword clues gain experiences to tackle confusing riddles and wordplay. This will result in improved memory and cognitive systems.

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Vedwik is a seasoned gaming and technology writer with over three years of ample experience in the industry. With a concrete dedication to all gaming, Vedwik has excelled in his expertise through comprehensive examination, hands-on trials, and a deep understanding of the ever-evolving canvas of technology.

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