Unraveling the Answer: Website Born From Its CEO NYT Crossword Clue – IMDB

By Vedwik
d-Website Born From Its CEO NYT Crossword Clue
Sep 23, 2024 Reading time : 3 min

The New York Times Crossword clues are short and simple but tricky too. It always forces people to dig for knowledge and leaves them perplexed. Congrats! We are here to discover the answer to the “Website Born From its CEO NYT” clue and mention the detailed information regarding this obscure clue.

Moreover,  you can benefit from daily solving the NYT crossword clues. It preserves memory, improves the cognitive system, strengthens the brain, and increases vocabulary. Besides this, it helps build social bonds, alleviates anxiety, and enhances mood.

Let’s uncover the meaning related to this NYT clue together. 

Website Born From its CEO, “Personal Film Diary” NYT: Final Answer

The final answer to the website born from its CEO NYT clue is “IMDB”.

IMDB was founded by Col Needham, a programmer and entrepreneur. Col started the IMDB service to share movies because he was a film lover. He was inspired by his own film diary and he wanted to share his knowledge led to the startup of IMDB.

Additionally, IMDB is a well-known Internet Movie Database Website. It was started in 1990 and now become the top site for movies, series, TV, and entertainment information.

Possible Answers and Variations to the Website Born From its CEO NYT Clue

There are many popular websites that started from zero and have a million net worth. So, one must think of popular tech companies like Amazon, Google, etc. as an answer to the website born from its CEO NYT clue.

Company Founder Key Contribution
Amazon Jeff BezosTransformed Amazon Book Store into an e-commerce global platform.
Google Larry Page and Sergey BrinDeveloped worldwide search engine and now expand into various technology.
SpaceXElon Musk Pioneered reusable rocket technology  and advanced space exploration

Website Born From its CEO NYT Clues and Answers


Website born from its C.E.O.’s “personal film diary”IMDB
Service symbolized by an envelopeEMAIL
Japanese writing system based on Chinese charactersKANJI
Some frozen wafflesEGGOS
Ages and agesEONS


P.R. concernIMAGE
Fruit that may be served with sticky riceMANGO
Spicy mustardDIJON
Pure joyBLISS
___ out a living (barely get by)EKE


The website born from its CEO NYT crossword clue points to the link between the founder and the website. This NYT phrase intends to praise the hard work and backstory of the struggle. Keep solving New York Times crossword clues which helps you to gain information to think out of the bucket. 

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Vedwik is a seasoned gaming and technology writer with over three years of ample experience in the industry. With a concrete dedication to all gaming, Vedwik has excelled in his expertise through comprehensive examination, hands-on trials, and a deep understanding of the ever-evolving canvas of technology.

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